
Showing posts from February, 2018

Perfect couples ..... St Valentine's Day

What better way to celebrate St. Valentine's  Day than to make an exhibition about perfect couples. Some of them are fictional, some were real-life historical  characters, some lived tragic stories, some were a match made in heaven, some lived happily ever after, some were  strictly platonic and  some knew their love was forbidden .... but, as someone said, "where there's love, there's life". The older students did some research and wrote texts about  famous lovebirds. The younger students helped with the decoration and wrote love messages on origami hearts.  ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’˜

St Valentine's @ AEJICS


Love is in the air....


Keep calm .... and work on your grammar

  Find lots of online grammar explanations and exercises here:

And the winners are.... part I


Reading for fun

Reading is fun... even for teenagers. So they used their best accents, practiced their entonation, stress  and expressivity and got in perfect shape for our anual reading contest.  It was nerve-wracking to read before a judge panel of picky teachers but it was worth it.